By Richa Goyal Sikri. Originally published in GemGeneva Newsletter 5/11/23
When I first started collecting coloured gemstones, I came across an extraordinary book by Richard W. Wise called 'Secrets of the Gem Trade'. While there were many nuggets of knowledge embedded in the book, there were three, in particular, I continue to employ as my guiding principles. The first, 'light equals colour', referring to the variable hues of sunlight and how it impacts coloured gemstones. Mindful of this, I try to view coloured gems between 11.30 am to 2.00 pm when the light is ideally colour balanced.
The second, 'value beauty, over pedigree', meaning, before origin, the beauty of the stone will always drive value appreciation. Qualities like hue, tone, saturation, lustre, cut, crystal quality, will remain the fundamental building blocks against which value is assigned and evaluated, with origin only afterwards becoming a factor.
The third principle, 'while beauty drives demand, it's the rarity factor that drives the price.' How does one define rarity? READ ON: